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Tersentak aku apabila terbaca satu artikel yang mengatakan botol air mineral plastik boleh menyebabkan kanser.. takut  gila seh.. Reason being, i have being buying and drinking mineral water all this time as a substitute to plain water boiled at home and hoping that the mineral water is free from chlorine and other minute particles. Agak terkejutlah aku bile artikel tu menyebut kandungan di botol plastik air mineral boleh mengaktifkan sel2 kanser.

Lalu aku buat lagi carian ringkas di google berkenaan perkara ni.. I was surprised to find out that if the bottle is  exposed to the sun, the minute particles in the bottle or to be exact, the harmful chemicals in the bottle will mix with the water and toxic up our body if we consume it. The chemical may interact with the body cells and most probably jump start the cancer cell as well. OMG... Tamao!!! takotnya..

Some say the cheap plastic bottle may cause this, so we are encouraged to buy glass or expensive plasticware like Tupperware etc to keep our food or drink.  

Betol ke ada grade plastic di bawah botol plastik mineral water tu? Tak pernah lak terdetik nak check.. So what say you?    *sigh*



Tersentak aku apabila terbaca satu artikel yang mengatakan botol air mineral plastik boleh menyebabkan kanser.. takut  gila seh.. Reason being, i have being buying and drinking mineral water all this time as a substitute to plain water boiled at home and hoping that the mineral water is free from chlorine and other minute particles. Agak terkejutlah aku bile artikel tu menyebut kandungan di botol plastik air mineral boleh mengaktifkan sel2 kanser.

Lalu aku buat lagi carian ringkas di google berkenaan perkara ni.. I was surprised to find out that if the bottle is  exposed to the sun, the minute particles in the bottle or to be exact, the harmful chemicals in the bottle will mix with the water and toxic up our body if we consume it. The chemical may interact with the body cells and most probably jump start the cancer cell as well. OMG... Tamao!!! takotnya..

Some say the cheap plastic bottle may cause this, so we are encouraged to buy glass or expensive plasticware like Tupperware etc to keep our food or drink.  

Betol ke ada grade plastic di bawah botol plastik mineral water tu? Tak pernah lak terdetik nak check.. So what say you?    *sigh*

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