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Leaders - Thinking outside the box

POP vs DUNIAA good leader needs to understand the concepts of work life balance and work life integration.
Originally, as part of staff welfare, the theory was that you needed to provide a sense of balance between their work and their “normal” lives. The most interesting implication of this is that there is an immediate dicotomy of work vs life. One is the friend, the other the foe.

A good leader doesn't cross the line by interfering the personal life of the staff. Even if there is something that needs to be discussed, asking the person to meet up and discussed personally is a good quality leadership rather than passing judgement and talks about it in the meeting room with others without the presence of the staff. That is not fair to the staff and to the leader as well where it may create unhappiness between them; the staff being unfairly treated whereby the leader is not being an exemplary character.

Walk the talk. The leader needs to be seen to be part of the team working towards the goal. This kind of leader will not be afraid to roll up their sleeves and get dirty. Truth is, we rarely seen this kind of act from a leader. :)  Well, something needs to be changed for the betterment of the organization.  :))

P/s: Please don't pass judgement even by reading the blogger's blog.   :)

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