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I'm bored

POP vs DUNIA'tis been a while since i write a blog.. I don't have much to say at the moment, just that, living in Mersing (becoz i work here) gives me a whole new perspective of a so called heck town. Wish I could have more things to do here apart from playing Daytona (haha... fo those know wat i'm talking about) and sitting duck in my living room flipping the Astro channel.. Argh!! Definately a heck-town way of life kind thing!!!!!!!!!! But, i try to think that this is a platform for me improve myself before i proceed further for a better undertakings in future and sort... Agaknye la kot!! Hahaha...

Having said that, the utmost reason i start blogging is due to urge of expressing any "rock" situations which happened, happens and will happen in myself.. Well, kinda...

To be honest, i was quite stressful at times when it was hard for me to find a drummer that suits to the kind of music genre that i prefer.. I was forced to almost fall into the pit of dying hopes and dreams, realizing that it was time for me to put a lowkey.. (even thought that the age is catching)..
Then, on the spurs of the moment, i received a text message from my bassist aka my best buddy telling me that he found a drummer. So we did a try-out and you know, there's a sense of feeling that you could not even explain when you feel " i have found the right person" kinda thing (if you know what im saying). So, this chap is the right guy to be the drummer, plus it comes in package, we (as in my bassist and i) even have a second guitarist... Huhu....

Well, hope tis will turn out well in future.. Becoz, i like what I am now, having the right kind of jin-gangs to jam with..


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